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5 Reasons your recruitment agency needs a podcast in 2022

Written by: Haydn Morgans | Dec 8, 2021

Did you know there are currently over 2 million podcasts andover 48 million episodes?

With nearly 6 in 10 people consuming podcasts, the demand for this form of content is likely to continue to grow through 2022 and beyond.

So why does your recruitment business need a podcast in 2022?

1. Constant Content

You’re busy, we’re all busy. But we all know that content marketing is vitally important for brand awareness and getting eyes on your business.

Podcasts can help you create consistent content, from one podcast you can easily create 3 videos, 2 sliders and 1 blog! That’s 7 pieces of high value content, created from 1 or 2 hours of your time.

Now if you do this weekly then suddenly your LinkedIn feed goes from a job post every now and then, to a constant feed of digestible engaging content for your audience to consume. Helping you stand out from your competitors.

2. Business Development

Get rid of those cold opens for clients you’d love to land. Approaching someone to join you on your podcast and leaning on their expert knowledge is going to get you on the right foot and open the door to building rapport. 

This may be the first time for many to even do something like this. Why not invite them onto your podcast to find out more about their story?

How did they get to where they are today?

What they see as the future for your niche?

The perfect ice breaker, this not only helps you stand out on your approach but will help build rapport with your potential client.

3. Be seen as experts

Imagine 6 months down the line your website’s podcast page is packed full of interviews with some of the biggest names in your industry, discussing the hottest topics in your market.

You’ve built a web of content that puts your company deep into the industries that you recruit in giving your business the unique position of standing out as a thought leader and go-to resource for the latest news.

With this kind of consistent effort coupled with market-leading guests you will have on your podcast, you set your business up to be on the minds of your ideal clients and candidates as they seek to keep their market knowledge relevant.

I think recruitment agencies are in a unique position as they sit in the middle of their industry, are able to talk to whomever they wish and get a diverse range of guests, and cover a wide range of topics.

4. Build an engaged audience

This point goes back to creating constant content.

Being consistent with your content creation is so important to continue to grow your personal and company brand.

BUT you also have the ability to utilise your guest’s networks, sharing clips, sliders and blogs with your guests is the perfect way to utilise their networks and get them tuning into your podcast.

New eyes, mean new clients or candidates, which can only be good for business!

5. Stay at the forefront of your industry

It’s far too easy to feel like you’re always one step behind, but a the recruiter’s it’s important you stay on the bleeding edge of the market. That’s where Podcast guests can help…

When you’re consistently being challenged by a new guest, learning firsthand the latest market shifts from the very people pushing those boundaries it allows to be part of that growth.

You’ll test and stretch your preconceived notions every week by talking to a diverse range of guests with stimulating topics about your industry, which will help grow you as a leader and continue to improve your business intelligence.

If you’re thinking about starting a project in 2022 then get in touch. We help businesses hit the ground running by advising and supporting their Podcast efforts.